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Dental retraction: a solution that works

Ivoclar OptraGate dental retraction

Achieving effective retraction of the lips and cheeks during dental treatments is essential for clear visibility and successful outcomes. However, traditional isolation methods can be time-consuming and cumbersome, and often seem like more trouble than they are worth.

For a solution that works, try OptraGate from Ivoclar, an innovative lip and cheek retractor designed to streamline your workflow, allow better moisture control, provide exceptional visibility, and ensure patient comfort.

Advantages of OptraGate

  1. 210622_Direct-Restoratives-Workflow_0328Superior moisture control: OptraGate's unique design ensures optimal moisture control, preventing contamination during bonding procedures. This results in stronger adhesive bonds and more reliable restorations, safeguarding against the negative effects of blood and saliva on the bonding process.
  2. Swift and convenient placement: OptraGate enables quick and effortless establishment of a dry working field. Its flexible and latex-free material ensures patient comfort, making extended procedures more bearable.
  3. Versatility in clinical practice: OptraGate's versatility extends beyond restorative treatments alone. It finds applications in intraoral scanning, paediatric dentistry, orthodontics, and dental photography. Its user-friendly design enhances access to the treatment site, delivering an improved experience for both you and your patients.

Improving adhesive bonding with OptraGate

Adhesive bonding procedures are a cornerstone of dental treatments, demanding meticulous precision and a dry working field for successful outcomes. OptraGate is an excellent ally in achieving these objectives effortlessly. By retracting both the lips and cheeks, OptraGate grants enhanced access to the treatment site, providing you with an unobstructed view and enhancing your ability to focus on intricate details without hindrance.OptraGate_Efficient_Esthetics_02

When integrated with the self-etch adhesive system, Adhese Universal, OptraGate takes the efficiency of adhesive bonding to new heights.

The innovative VivaPen delivery form of Adhese Universal allows for precise application directly in the mouth. This, combined with OptraGate's easy access to hard-to-reach areas, streamlines tooth conditioning and significantly reduces the risk of contamination during the adhesive procedure.

The symbiotic collaboration between OptraGate and Adhese Universal optimises the clinical workflow, saving valuable time and effort, while ensuring a seamless and successful bonding process.

Motivating young patients with OptraGate

OptraGate comes in vibrant blue and pink colour variations, ideal for young patients. These playful colours create a positive treatment environment, making dental visits less intimidating and more enjoyable for children.

Happy young patients not only build your reputation but also contribute to sustained success by fostering lasting relationships with their families, who will usually all attend the same practice.

Is a good retractor really that important?

As dentists, you know why retraction can be helpful. But there are far more benefits than increased visibility and access; have you ever considered how retractors help with moisture control, and patient comfort? Whether you're performing adhesive bonding, restorative treatments, or intraoral scanning, retraction can play a pivotal role in ensuring successful outcomes.

By using a retraction device, you can isolate the treatment area from blood and saliva, and create a dry working field, minimising the risk of contamination and leading to stronger adhesive bonds and more reliable restorations. In this way, using a retractor has benefits far beyond the immediate chairside ones – they can make your restorations last longer.210204_Optragate_0001

Moreover, retraction contributes to better patient comfort during dental treatments. By gently retracting the lips and cheeks, dentists can help patients maintain a more relaxed posture with their mouths comfortably open. This feature is particularly beneficial for lengthy procedures, reducing patient stress and making treatments more tolerable. It is no secret that some patients find visiting the dentistry particularly anxiety-inducing, by taking steps to reduce discomfort wherever you can, you can make the process less stressful for patients.

Furthermore, retraction streamlines the dental workflow by improving access to the treatment site. Dentists can work efficiently, saving valuable time and effort while delivering high-quality results.

Additionally, retraction is versatile and finds application in various dental procedures, such as adhesive bonding, restorative treatments, orthodontics, and intraoral scanning. Retractors like OptraGate cater to a wide range of clinical scenarios, adding versatility to their applications, so you know you would be getting your money’s worth.

Dental retraction with OptraGate: improving treatments for patients and practitioners

171103_OptraGate_0001OptraGate represents a needed solution for dental professionals, elevating treatment outcomes, and prioritising patient comfort.

Embrace the power of OptraGate to transform your practice, offering superior dental care that leaves a lasting impression. Its ability to enhance visibility, optimise moisture control, and promote patient comfort establishes OptraGate as an excellent tool to have at your fingertips.

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