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Achieve superior post restorations with an integrated workflow

voco rebilda post restorations

Ensuring the strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal of restorations is paramount, but this can be an extra challenge in extensive restorations where posts are needed. With the Rebilda Post GT system, Rebilda DC Fluorescent, and Futurabond U, from VOCO, you get everything you need, in one simple, reliable workflow.

Rebilda Post GT – can it really help you?

The Rebilda Post GT System from VOCO is a glass fibre-reinforced composite post specifically designed for use in endodontically treated teeth. The post supports the remaining tooth structure, helps to retain core material, and enables you to rebuild the tooth, so that your final restoration has a strong foundation.

There are three main areas a post needs to be successful in: support and stability, force distribution, and restoration preparation. Here, the Rebilda Post GT System excels, providing you with all the features you need for a successful, durable, and long-lasting post.

There are lots of post systems out there, so why should you choose the Rebilda Post GT System from VOCO?RebildaPostSystem-GT_Web

  • Sizes: the system comes in four colour-coded sizes (0.8, 1.0, 1.2, and 1.4mm) so you can pick the best option for the unique tooth and canal morphology.
  • Material composition: made up from approximately 70% glass fibres, 10% fillers, and 20% DMA matrix, these posts from VOCO have high flexural strength and fracture resistance.
  • Elasticity: with an elasticity of 31.5 GPa, these posts mimic the natural elasticity of dentine, helping to absorb force peaks and protect the tooth.
  • Translucent: helping you to achieve aesthetically pleasing results, which is highly important to patients, particularly in anterior teeth.

Beyond these features, the Rebilda Post GT System brings with it a number of advantages, helping to cement it as a staple product for any dental practice completing post treatments.

  1. Optimal restoration: the Rebilda Post GT System ensures a precise and stable fit.
  2. Simple application: designed for easy and straightforward application, you can save time during dental procedures.
  3. Maximum preservation of tooth substance: with no need for extensive preparation of the post site, the amount of natural tooth substance removed is minimised.
  4. Adaption to canal morphologies: by adapting well to different canal shapes and sizes, the Rebilda Post GT System ensures a better fit for a more effective restoration.

For the luting of root posts, a suitable adhesive is vital - Futurabond U is an ideal choice, perfectly designed to aid multiple stages of this workflow. Keep reading to find out more about Futurabond U!

After you have placed your post, you need to select a post luting system that works for you. This is where Rebilda DC Fluorescent can help.

Rebilda DC fluorescent – post luting made easy

Rebilda DC fluorescent is a dual-curing core build-up and post luting system specifically designed for restoration and reinforcement for teeth that have suffered structural damage. This is a crucial stage in ensuring the tooth is prepared to support a crown or restoration effectively – so it is vital that you have the right tool for the job.

Why choose Rebilda DC fluorescent?PS_RebildaDC-fluorescent_1399+1406_print

  • Dual-curing: ensuing reliable curing, even in conditions where light polymerisation is challenging.
  • Versatility: you can use Rebuilda DC fluorescent for both core build-up and post luting, thus simplifying the process and promoting the formation of a monoblock.
  • Reliable wetting: the material’s flowable consistency allows it to adapt perfectly to narrow cavities or root canals.
  • Layer application: stable enough to be applied in layers without the need for a matrix. The dual-curing feature means each layer polymerises quickly (less than 5 seconds!) allowing for quick application of subsequent layers – perfect for large-area reconstructions.
  • Cutting and hardness: the material cuts like dentine and is hard enough that it is easy to prepare and behaves like a natural tooth.
  • Fluorescence: with activatable fluorescence, excess material and build-up margins are visible under UV-A light, helping you to identify and remove excess material, particularly at subgingival levels.
  • Natural appearance: mimicking the natural shade of dentine in daylight, restorations blend well with a patient’s natural teeth.

Is Rebila DC fluorescent right for you?

As a dentist, you have key concerns, and you need to know if a product is going to help you achieve them. Always chief among these is patient outcomes, and Rebilda DC fluorescent can deliver. With dentine-like properties ensuring final restorations behave naturally, and the fluorescence feature aiding in achieving precise results, you can rely on Rebilda DC fluorescent.

The advantages at a glance:

  • Excellent handling: fluoresces under UV-A light, providing great visibility of excess material and build-up margins, even at deep subgingival levels.
  • Time-saving: fast polymerisation and the ability to apply multiple layers without waiting.
  • Improved structural integrity: the creation of a monoblock ensures the core build-up has properties that mimic dental hard tissue.
  • Aesthetic appeal: the natural dentine shade ensures that restorations are functional and aesthetically pleasing.

After completing the core build-up and post luting with Rebilda DC fluorescent, the next step, as you continue your restoration, is finding an adhesive that works. Futurabond U is the perfect complement to this workflow.

Futurabond U – strong, versatile bonds

Futurabond U is a dual-curing universal adhesive designed to take the guesswork out of adhesive selection. It can be used with or without light curing, offering excellent flexibility in different clinical situations. As well as this, Futurabond U has high bond strength, versatility, is compatible with multiple etching techniques, and can be used in both direct and indirect restorations.

Why is Futurabond U ideal for you?

The versatility of Futurabond U is perfect for reducing the number of adhesives you need to stock, without compromising on the quality of your bond, whatever the clinical situation.FuturabondU_Blister_Web

  • Versatile indications: suitable for direct restorations in all cavity classes and core build-ups and indirect restorations. It can also be used for intraoral repairs, treating hypersensitive tooth necks, and sealing cavities before amalgam restorations.
  • Etching techniques: compatible with self-etch, selective etch, and total etch techniques.

Beyond this excellent versatility, Futurabond U also has excellent strong adhesion properties, making it a great choice.

  • Strong bonding: durable and gap-free bonds with enamel and dentine. The formation of resin tags during polymerisation strengths the bond, reducing post-op sensitivities.
  • Material compatibility: bonds well with a range of materials, including metal, zirconium dioxide, aluminium oxide, and silicate ceramics – all without needing additional primers!

Another important consideration is efficiency, and Futurabond U has got this covered as well.

  • Single layer application: reducing application time to just 35 seconds!
  • No need for refrigeration: simplify storage and handling.

Futurabond U is a genuine single solution for multiple cases, all without compromising on quality. This can simplify your inventory and reduce stock costs, as well as streamlining your workflows and making adhesive selection process straightforward.


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