Henry Schein News

Peak Universal Bond: elevated dental bonding

Written by Alex Lynn | Jul 27, 2023 1:35:34 PM

As dental professionals, at Henry Schein we know you need the perfect bonding agent to elevate your restorative procedures and deliver exceptional outcomes for patients.

But what makes a bonding agent truly great? And how do you find the best?

It's all about reliability, versatility, patient comfort, and long-term strength. In this blog, we'll unveil the key considerations that define an outstanding bonding agent and reveal why Peak Universal Bond™ from Ultradent Products Inc. ticks all the boxes.

Additionally, discover how Porcelain Etch™ and Silane™ can help you to achieve unparalleled bonding outcomes for porcelain restorations, for that extra skill in your bonding repertoire.

So, let's explore why Peak Universal Bond is your ideal partner in creating stunning smiles.

Peak Universal Bond™: All the functionality you need

When it comes to dental bonding agents, Peak Universal Bond from Ultradent is a reliable and versatile solution. With its innovative formulation and carefully crafted chemistry, this adhesive goes above and beyond to ensure reliable and durable restorations.

What is it that makes Peak Universal Bond the ideal bonding agent?


Peak Universal Bond is a strong bonding agent, able to stand up to the challenges of dental bonding and minimise the risk of failed restorations. Part of what makes Peak Universal so strong is its unique and custom-synthesised phosphate monomer, Dymetech™, which enables long-lasting restorations with superior bond strengths, while also effectively reducing tubule gaps and penetrating all etched tooth microscopic areas.

Dr. Fischer, founder, president and CEO of Ultradent Products, explained why Peak Universal Bond’s strength is so important: “We always had the commitment to keep driving until we had the highest strength bonding agent, because for our minimally invasive techniques, for reaching our vision of bringing more affordable dentistry to a larger cross section of humanity, there needed to be the capability of more affordable, direct-placed dentistry. For that to occur, a high strength adhesive would be paramount.”


Having to stock different bonding solutions for different indications can leave your cupboards cluttered and your workflows confusing. Peak Universal Bond is a fantastic all in one solution, suited for use in direct and indirect bonding on a wide range of materials, including dentin, enamel, composite, porcelain, metal, and zirconia.

Peak Universal Bond offers a universal adhesive compatible with both self-etch and total-etch techniques.

Easy placement

When it comes to handling a dental bonding agent, viscosity plays a crucial role for clinicians. Peak Universal Bond strikes the perfect balance, its 7.5% filler composition results in a carefully tuned viscosity, ensuring minimal film thickness (just two microns). This adhesive is designed to stay precisely where it's applied, while also making it effortless to air thin and effectively reach the microscopic areas of the tooth for a proper bond.

Moreover, Peak Universal Bond cures quickly and easily, even in challenging-to-reach areas where a clinician's curing light may struggle. With this level of reliability, dentists can confidently trust that restorations using Peak Universal Bond adhesive will withstand the test of time.


We know the discomfort post-operative sensitivity can cause for our patients. With Peak Universal Bond's unique chemistry, you can bid farewell to this concern. Its hydrophilic solvents penetrate the tiniest details of the tooth during application, becoming hydrophobic after air-thinning and polymerisation. The result? Virtually no post-op sensitivity, and happy patients mean a happy dental practice.


How does Peak Universal Bond ensure that bonds last? The 0.2% chlorhexidine formula works tirelessly to preserve long-term bond strengths.

It prevents the degradation of collagen in the dentin or hybrid layer caused by matrix metalloproteinases (MMP). With this added strength, your restorations will stand the test of time, leaving our patients smiling confidently for years to come.


Porcelain Etch and Silane™: the dynamic duo in porcelain bonding

Porcelain restorations can be difficult to master, but Ultradent’s Porcelain Etch and Silane are a combined system that delivers just that. How do these products complement Peak Universal Bond to make porcelain bonding a breeze?

  1. Porcelain Etch: Preparing porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, or fractured dental porcelain has never been easier. Porcelain Etch, with its viscous, buffered 9% hydrofluoric acid formulation, offers unparalleled ease of control and placement. It wets the ceramic surface effectively, creating the ideal conditioning impact. Also, it won't stain composite or resin cement, ensuring precise and immaculate restorations.
  2. Silane: Silane is the secret to achieving unmatched porcelain-to-resin bond strengths. After hydrofluoric acid etching, Silane's single-component solution sets the perfect chemical reaction on the ceramic's surface, guaranteeing outstanding results. With specially designed tips, applying Porcelain Etch and Silane is easy, helping you to ensure flawless outcomes every time.

With its strength, versatility, and patient-centric approach, Peak Universal Bond from Ultradent is a fantastic choice for successful restorations. Paired with Porcelain Etch and Silane, you have the tools you need to create stunning smiles with precision and confidence.

Embrace the power of Peak Universal Bond and see what it can do for your bonding procedures.